Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen.
You probably know that a first version of your conversion kit shifter has been designed with a small issue which has been detected with help of our customers. The plastic piece on the bottom was falling down during the regular usage so we were working on the finding the working solution and that solution has been discovered.
Our revised design contents polyurethane bushing which placed inside the aluminum case connected with the ball by three #2-56 screws. Based on our calculations those screws can hold up to 180 lbs of force and we know for sure this amount of power doesn't exist during the normal use of our shifter. Based on this we released our updated design and issue a recall for all orders have been made and sent to our customers.
All current customers will receive the email with the shipping info during next two days. Hope you will be satisfied with the new design and with ability to enjoy of our product.

Thank you and wish you a great day.
Ilja Lopatik
Owner/Genera Manager of
White Madness Garage